Chinese Herbal Medicine

For generations, herbal therapy has held a revered place in China and throughout Asia. Presently, the Western world is awakening to the enduring wisdom of this age-old practice, incorporating Chinese herbs to address a multitude of health concerns.

Chinese herbal medicine encompasses over 400 different plants, encompassing not only widely recognized herbs like cinnamon, ginger, mint, and goji berry but also many lesser-known varieties in the UK.

What to Expect During the Treatment?

Before prescribing Chinese herbal medicine, we conduct a comprehensive health consultation with you. During this session, we discuss your primary concerns and any relevant medical conditions that might be influencing your symptoms. We also review any tests or examinations you’ve had with your GP or consultant. Additionally, we inquire about your overall well-being, diet, and work/life balance. As part of this consultation, we perform tongue and pulse assessments, which provide valuable insights from a Chinese medicine perspective.

At the conclusion of this consultation, we provide our assessment of whether Chinese herbal medicine can offer assistance and what realistic improvements you can anticipate in terms of symptom relief. If we believe that Chinese medicine may not be the most appropriate course of action, we will provide that feedback as well. In such cases, we might recommend consulting your doctor or another healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or osteopath.
If we agree to initiate a Chinese herbal medicine regimen, we will guide you through the process, and a customised blend of traditional herbs will be prescribed specifically for your needs. Our herbal remedies are typically taken orally on a daily basis, available in two forms: granulated extracts and dried whole herbs. Granulated extracts are often suitable for chronic conditions like chronic pain, fertility concerns, or dermatological issues, while dried whole herbs are generally prescribed for short-term, potent treatments in acute conditions.

Granulated extracts are consumed by mixing with hot water, while dried whole herbs require soaking before boiling. Both methods result in a herbal drink best enjoyed warm, usually taken once or twice daily. The timing of consumption, whether after a meal or on an empty stomach, will be advised based on the prescribed herbs.

In certain cases, Chinese herbs may be prescribed for external use, such as poultices or soaks. This approach is employed for children who may find ingesting herbs challenging, as well as for dermatological issues like eczema or psoriasis, and painful conditions like sports injuries or inflammatory arthritis.

We typically schedule follow-up appointments every 2 – 4 weeks to assess your progress and the effectiveness of the herbal treatment for your symptoms. As your symptoms improve, we gradually reduce the herbal treatment to allow your body to adapt to the absence of herbs.
It’s important to note that all our herbal remedies are plant-based and do not contain animal products.

Who Can Benefit from Chinese Herbal Medicine?

If you are currently under the care of a GP or consultant and are receiving medical treatment, we take into account your medications and any upcoming procedures. It is our policy never to discourage essential medical procedures or recommend discontinuing medication without first consulting your GP or consultant.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects Associated with Chinese Herbal Medicine?

When prescribed by a fully trained practitioner who has a comprehensive understanding of your medical history, Chinese herbs are generally safe and unlikely to cause adverse effects. This is especially true when the herbs are customised to meet your specific needs and tailored to your unique circumstances. While side effects are rare with personalised herbal formulas, when they do occur, they are typically mild and related to digestion, such as changes in bowel movements or transient nausea, lasting no longer than 48 hours as your body adjusts to the herbs.

To minimise the risk of interactions between herbs and medications or supplements, we always request a list of any medications or supplements you are currently taking. We then carefully consider this information when prescribing your herbal formula. Furthermore, we can provide guidance on an appropriate dosing schedule alongside your medications or supplements to ensure that you are taking the herbs in the most effective and safe manner possible.

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